Tuesday, August 5, 2014

That Tiny Shift

Tracey Cleantis has moved to her new site and she asked an important question. Go here to read her first post in the new site and her question for her readers. 

Anyway, here is my answer:

"My current chapter is digging into my creative and childlike sides, forgiving others and myself, letting go over and over again (as much as I need to), and flourishing as a human being in my own unique ways."

It was a revelation for me to write those words, because in the past I would definitely have written "as a non-mom" without even thinking twice, but this time my automatic answer came out "as a human being."

HURRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! I'm celebrating this little shift!  


  1. Thanks SOOOOO much for celebrating with me, Mali! It's hard to find people who understand celebrations like these. :-D

  2. What a wonderful thing to celebrate!
    Yahoo to you!!

  3. What a difference one word can make! ;)

    1. Yes, loribeth, it was such a nice surprise. :-)


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